In recent years, the freight industry has been grappling with a persistent and challenging issue: the rising cost of fuel. This surge in fuel expenses is affecting global supply chains and various industries, from manufacturing to retail. With high costs expected to linger, the freight industry is seeking innovative solutions and strategies to adapt and mitigate the financial strain. Understanding the root causes, effects, and responses to rising fuel costs is essential for navigating (and overcoming) this challenge.

Factors contributing to high fuel costs

In the United States, diesel fuel constitutes approximately 20% of petroleum consumption, with a significant part of this demand rooted in the freight industry. Beginning in 2022, diesel saw a price hike of nearly 38%, reaching an average of $4.55 per gallon by January 2023.

This increase is attributed to factors such as higher demand, the sulfur removal process in diesel refining, seasonal fluctuations, and the transportation costs of diesel. Global factors — including the price of crude oil and geopolitical events like the war in Ukraine — have further intensified these pressures.

As a result, high diesel prices are driving up shipping costs, impacting both businesses and consumers alike. Looking ahead, there’s hope U.S. diesel prices could fall as far as $3.70 per gallon by early 2024.

Impact on various industries

Rising fuel costs are exerting pressure on multiple industries, with each adapting uniquely to this challenge. Some of the most prominent examples include:

  • Freight: Rising diesel prices have resulted in decreased load availability and lower freight rates. This situation is particularly challenging for smaller businesses and owner-operators, leading to consolidation.
  • Manufacturing: In the manufacturing sector, the tendency is to pass on higher energy costs to production prices. This trend is reflected in the rise of industrial prices, as indicated by the Industrial Price Index.
  • Retail: Despite higher fuel costs, retail sales have increased. However, this trend might not be sustainable in the long term. As higher freight costs are passed on to consumers through product markups, the retail sector may be in danger of even more price inflation.

Across the board, volatile diesel prices have created turbulence in virtually every sector. Unfortunately, much of the uncertainty surrounding the future of fuel prices hinges on freight demands.

Mitigation strategies

As high fuel prices continue to bear down on the freight industry and spread strife to other sectors, third-party logistics companies and supply chain movers and shakers have begun exploring long-term safeguards, such as:

  • Transitioning to zero-emission vehicles: The United States is aiming for 100% zero-emission semitruck sales by 2040. Supported by government regulations and incentives, this shift represents a major initiative to mitigate the effects of high diesel prices.
  • Employing advanced technology for freight management: Implementing telematics in freight transport improves real-time data tracking and operational efficiency. This technology serves as a critical initiative to optimize operations and reduce fuel waste.
  • Adapting to market dynamics and consumer behavior: Fuel retailers and logistics companies are utilizing data-driven strategies to respond to market volatility and consumer price sensitivity.

While these approaches will take time to manifest and lessen the reliance on diesel fuel, they strike at the heart of the problem. In the midst of high prices, it’s becoming increasingly evident the most sustainable way to combat them is to break our dependence on fuel.

Fuel problems will persist until they’re addressed

High fuel surcharges present a complex and pressing challenge for the freight industry and the supply chains driven by it. Factors like global geopolitical events, environmental policies, and industry-specific struggles underscore the multifaceted nature of this issue. As the freight industry continues to navigate troubled waters, mitigation strategies become paramount. It starts with understanding the issues and developing a clear plan to address them.

Need help getting your freight costs under control? nVision Global can provide the tools to identify cost-saving opportunities and harness fuel surcharges. Learn more at