Frequently Asked Questions
If you have questions pertaining to your invoices and/or the processing of them, please email transportationproviderconcerns@nvisionglobal.com or contact one of our regional customer service representatives. For further contact information, please visit our website at https://corporate.nvisionglobal.com/contact-us/.
Yes, but it is cheaper and quicker if you utilize our online invoice submission portals. If you are unable to submit your invoices online, please send your paper invoices to the following addresses:
1900 Brannan Road
McDonough, GA 30253
21 Decembrie 1989 Blvd, 77
Cluj Napoca
Send your freight invoice and its related supporting documents to mailcenterautomated@nvisionglobal.com. Please note that the subject line must ONLY CONTAIN 2 values and an underscore (CustomerNumber_SCACCode). If you populate anything else in this subject line, the process will fail and your invoice will be delayed in processing. Do NOT submit any descriptions or details in the subject line such as some of the ones we’ve received below. Also DO NOT include ANY spaces, dashes (-), commas or any other values besides the CustomerNumber_SCACCode. We will provide you the Customer Number and the Proper SCAC code for submission. The subject line should look like 1234_ABCD when you submit it to nVision Global.
- XYZ Provider Name INV – 823254331 / E6B0043770
- XYZ Container Line – Statement of Account
- XYZ Invoice
- 2118931211 CUSTOMER 031 HLCUANR200963345
- Payment status/ past due invoices/XYZ
The requirements for this email and it’s submission are as follows:
- 1 Invoice Per Email (including the backup documentation)
- Must be in .PDF, .JPG, .TIFF format
- The subject line of the email must be: CustomerNumber_SCACCode. IF YOU DO NOT KNOW THE CUSTOMER NUMBER OR SCAC, PLEASE EMAIL transportationproviderconcerns@nvisionglobal.com AND THEY WILL PROVIDE YOU THIS INFORMATION.
- If you need to submit more than 1 invoice, you must submit them each in their own individual email
If you cannot separate your invoices into individual emails, please send your email that contains multiple invoices/attachments to mailcentermanual@nvisionglobal.com. This inbox is monitored by our team who will manually separate and submit your invoices. Please note that the processing of your invoice may be slightly delayed as this step requires manual intervention.
We have a comprehensive suite of reporting and logistics websites that allow you to closely monitor the status of your invoice as well as take part in any invoice disputes. If you have access to the Webtools website, all instructions can be located under the “Help Documentation” link.
Yes! If you have access to the Webtools website, all instructions can be located under the “Help Documentation” link, under “Weekly Reports for Transportation Providers”
We have a comprehensive suite of reporting and logistics websites that allow you to closely monitor the status of your invoice as well as take part in any invoice disputes. If you have access to the Webtools website, all instructions can be located under the “Help Documentation” link.
We have a comprehensive suite of reporting and logistics websites that allow you to closely monitor the status of your invoice as well as take part in any invoice disputes. If you have access to the Webtools website, all instructions can be located under the “Help Documentation” link and then under the “Resolution Site for Transportation Providers”
We have a comprehensive suite of reporting and logistics websites that allow you to closely monitor the status of your invoice as well as take part in any invoice disputes. If you have access to the Webtools website, all instructions can be located under the “Help Documentation” link and then under the “Collaboration Site for Transportation Providers”