About Us
nVision Global is the leader in worldwide freight audit and payment services for all modes of transportation, processing billions of dollars in freight spend annually, resulting in hundreds of millions of dollars in customer savings opportunities annually, all while processing in excess of millions shipment transactions each year.
With our global footprint of 8 operating facilities in the Americas, Europe, and Asia and customer support associates located in more than 12 countries. nVision Global delivers comprehensive solutions that validate transportation provider invoices and payments to contractual terms and detailed shipment visibility with Operational Business Intelligence (OBI).
No Freight Audit Customer Has Spent More Money On Our Services & Solutions Than They Have Saved!
nVision Global is the leader in worldwide freight audit services for all modes of transportation, processing billions of dollars in freight spend annually, resulting in hundreds of millions of dollars in customer savings opportunities annually, all while processing in excess of millions shipment transactions each year.
With our global footprint of 7 operating facilities in the Americas, Europe and Asia and customer support associates located in more than 12 countries. nVision Global delivers comprehensive solutions that validate transportation provider invoices and payments to contractual terms and detailed shipment visibility with Operational Business Intelligence (OBI).
No Freight Audit Customer has Spent More Money on our Services & Solutions than they have Saved!
Compelling Reasons to Choose nVision Global
Hundreds of Millions of Dollars in Customer Savings Opportunities Annually
Certified FedEx Freight Bill Audit & Payment Provider
400+ Full Time Employees Outside of the United States
Hundreds of Years of Collective Experience
- Control Costs With Access to Your Transportation Data
- Removal of Manual Touches with Automated Processing Solutions
- Prevent Duplicate Invoice Payments
- Fewer Supplier Inquiries
Dedicated Regional Customer Service & Support Staff
Global SSAE18 Type II Certified
Real-Time Visibility to Your Global Transportation Costs

nVision provides a World-Class Global Invoice Audit & Payment Solution for Teradyne
Steps of our Freight Audit & Payment Services
Enhanced Data Capture
Instead of transportation providers submitting the invoice of your shipment to your billing department, based on their location, they will now send the invoices to one of nVision Global’s processing centers located around the world. And as part of the implementation and ongoing support, nVision Global will partner with all of your transportation providers to seamlessly integrate their invoice submission into our environment.
Because we work with nearly 20,000 global transportation providers, we are experts at receiving invoices in many different formats and languages. All paper invoices are scanned and every invoice image is made available to you during the processing of the freight bill and in all of our Business Intelligence and Reporting platforms. In addition to capturing your data, we also have built in processes that both normalize and cleanse your data to ensure you are able to utilize our Business Intelligence solutions to their maximum potential.
We process invoices submitted to us in the following formats:
Email (PDF ONLY)
Physical paper sent via courier/mail
We can download the invoices from your provider’s website
EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)
Validation & Business Rules
Every invoice that enters the nVision Global freight audit and payment software environment runs through a series of standard validations and custom business rules that are defined by each customer. During this phase, we ensure each invoice has not already been paid (duplicate invoice protection), all required data elements are present and a number of other validations to protect our customers and to ensure smooth processing. At the same time, we run each invoice through customer business rules, which allow customers to take action on an invoice based on the data from that invoice. For example, a customer could choose to review every small package invoice that is more than $500 or they may want to review any invoice from country A to country B that is more than $1,000 that has a certain product on the invoice. We enable our customers to easily integrate and automate their business logic and requirements into our freight bill audit process.
Audit & Rating Technologies
All invoices that are processed through the nVision Global freight audit and pay solution pass through our 3 separate freight audit & rating engines. These freight audit engines enable nVision Global to store your negotiated pricing in our database, rate each invoice against your negotiated pricing and to perform a comprehensive audit of each invoice. In the event pricing is not available, or if circumstances dictate, we have the ability to manually audit your freight bill as well.
Match Pay
An important aspect of any freight audit & payment system is integrating data from the customer and data from their transportation providers together in a single environment. nVision Global interfaces with all major ERP and AP systems ensuring integration to your systems is not only possible, but seamless. We are able to take Bill of Lading, Purchase Order or any other type of shipment file that has information in it that we need to match to freight invoices received from your transportation provider and not only match up the different files, but we can also utilize the information in your files for processing the freight invoices in our environment.
Exception Management
nVision Global’s online exception management tools are available for both our Customers and their Transportation Providers and they have been designed to provide a user-friendly, interactive experience to address invoices that require more information and/or approval prior to payment. Any freight invoice that does not pass the audit, has any discrepancies, and/or does not meet specific business rules can automatically be placed on these web portals. Our solution provides transparency and visibility to all parties and ensures that payments are being issued to transportation providers as expeditiously as possible. Managing freight invoice disputes no longer requires endless phone calls and e-mail exchanges or unnecessary delays in freight invoice processing and payment.
Custom Cost Allocation
Critical to a single-source solution is the ability to provide accurate and efficient cost allocation. While the logic to apply cost allocations is customer driven, our solutions excel at analyzing the ambiguity presented on invoices and then merging that information with client-provided reference data, resulting in an automated, accurate and efficient cost allocations.
Additionally, our system is adept at:
Generating split allocations across multiple accounts based on a number of variables including weight, pieces, SKU number, etc.
Providing custom file feeds to customer specific accounting systems
Transportation Provider Payment
As the most trusted provider in the industry, our freight audit and payment software is designed to monitor all of your negotiated pricing contracts and by doing so, we are able to make sure you not only make your payments on time, but also ensure that you fully utilize your negotiated payment terms.
And unlike many companies in this industry, we are able to make payments in nearly all commonly traded currencies and we issue Non-Commingled payments using our “IN-COUNTRY” Accounts. Our “IN-COUNTRY” Accounts are not common in the industry because not everyone is truly global! Utilizing our “IN-COUNTRY” Accounts, you are able to avoid all the fees that come with currency exchanges, foreign transaction fees and all other fees that banks levy when moving money around the world’s different banking systems. YOU WILL PAY THESE FEES WITH OTHER PROVIDERS!
Business Intelligence
nVision Global allows customers and their users to customize the freight data that is provided to them in their reporting solutions. They are able to choose the data elements, the format of delivery, how they want to view it (mapping, spreadsheet, interactive widget, etc.), and we allow for the saving and automation of delivery to one or many recipients. We provide enormous quantities of data that are curated and presented through graphs, charts and tables to make it more consumable for even the most untrained user. We also have the ability to process your past business data to help you make the best business decisions today.