Gain Control of your
supply chain with
TMS software

Impact TMS provides the visibility and management of your global shipments from creation through delivery. You can now integrate all of the features you demand in a TMS Solution with nVision Global’s other technologies such as Freight Audit and Payment, Freight Claims and Business Analytics We are one of the few providers in the world that can offer these solutions in a single package and still offer a configurable TMS solution that meets your exact needs and specifications.


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    Some Features of Impact TMS

    • Utilization & Creation of Routing Guides
    • Automated Alerts and Approval Processes
    • Controlled Spot Quotes
    • Automated Rating, Routing & Booking of Shipments
    • Configurable Approval Processes
    • Able to Add Customer/Product Detail Fields
    • Able to Automate Certain Features such as Rating and Routing
    • Integrated Your Routing Guide
    • Personalized Dashboard
    • Flexible Reporting Features
    • Adjustable Data Elements to Facilitate Custom Reporting
    • KPI Reports
    • Quick Access to Relevant Documents
    • Real-Time Track & Trace of your Shipments
    • Financial Analysis
    • Carrier Scorecard Creation
    • Ability to Determine Actual Cost of Unit Shipped

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