Why is nVison Global Right For You?
As the leader in worldwide freight management solutions and services; specializing in Freight Audit & Payment, Order Management, Supplier
Management, Visibility, TMS and Freight Spend Analytics “FSA”, nVision Global can configure our solutions to meet your needs. We can
automate all the tasks associated with auditing your freight bills, which includes:
Imaging Your Invoices | Matching Invoices to Your Data Files (BOL, PO, Shipment, etc.) |
Ensuring Your Transportation Providers Have Billed You Correctly | Working with your Providers to Resolve any Discrepancies (online) |
Automatically Applying any Business Rules You Have to All Shipments | Automatically Allocating GL Codes to Your Shipments |
Issuing Non-Commingled Payments to Your Transportation Providers Utilizing “In-Country” Accounts | Providing Visibility and Transparency to All Charges and to All Invoices, Including Backup Documentation |
nVision Global is unique in the industry, because we have everything needed to fully support you on a global scale:
7 Company owned offices on 3 Different Continents, a team of nearly 600 Associates that speak more than 30 Languages and nearly 30 Years in business supporting many of the Fortune 500 Companies that make the world economy function.
Why is nVison Global Right For You?
As the leader in worldwide freight management solutions and services; specializing in Freight Audit & Payment, Order Management, Supplier
Management, Visibility, TMS and Freight Spend Analytics “FSA”, nVision Global can configure our solutions to meet your needs. We can automate all the tasks associated with auditing your freight bills, which includes:
- Imaging Your Invoices
- Ensuring Your Transportation Providers Have Billed You Correctly
- Automatically Applying any Business Rules You Have to All Shipments
- Issuing Non-Commingled Payments to Your Transportation Providers Utilizing “In-Country” Accounts
- Matching Invoices to Your Data Files (BOL, PO, Shipment, etc.)
- Working with your Providers to Resolve any Discrepancies (online)
- Automatically Allocating GL Codes to Your Shipments
- Providing Visibility and Transparency to All Charges and to All Invoices, Including Backup Documentation
nVision Global is unique in the industry, because we have everything needed to fully support you on a global scale:
7 Company owned offices on 3 Different Continents, a team of nearly 600 Associates that speak more than 30 Languages and nearly 30 Years in business supporting many of the Fortune 500 Companies that make the world economy function.
Why Should I Read This eBook?
- Outsource freight functions to save time and boost operational effectiveness.
Examine provider expertise for optimized freight management.
- Discover the benefits of partnering with a freight audit and payment provider for transportation management.
- Advantages of partnering with a freight audit and payment provider for improved visibility, compliance, and risk mitigation.
What Benefits Can You Expect from nVision Global’s
Freight Audit & Payment Solution
- Cash Flow
- Rate Negotiations
- Business Intelligence
- Cost Control
- Organized Data
- Invoice Automation
- Save Time & Money
- Fewer Supplier Inquiries
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